Because you can't find it anywhere else

What the hell happened?

So seeing as how we’re distributing massive amounts of viruses and spyware or something, I upgraded our installation of WordPress. Hopefully we won’t get hacked anymore. Mantas – do you still see all the links?

We lost the old design in the upgrade – I could convert it to work with the new WordPress but it’d take forever, so I’ll just redesign it eventually. Until then we have this basic-ish theme, which still looks better than the old site.

Update: So the site no longer looks like shit and I don’t think we have spam links anymore.  We’re using a free template with Mantas’s desktop right now, I may or may not end up making a full new design.

Don't click on these



  1. Oh, I think I realize what happened. I figured that when we named our site “obscure porn,” we wanted a bunch of invisible links to porn. So I put a lot of those on there. Those gambling ones probably do mean we got hacked, though.

  2. the clock sucks. the pencil sucked too. i took them out. if they show up as red x’s that means you are gay. please check your sexual orientation settings and try agian.

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