the halftime portion of the telecast/webcast/whatever for tomorrow’s game… im leakin this shit
the best part is at around 4:00
the halftime portion of the telecast/webcast/whatever for tomorrow’s game… im leakin this shit
the best part is at around 4:00
Google no longer thinks our site is full of viruses. LOOKS LIKE THE SCAM WORKED
(but firefox still does. i guess it takes a while for them to update?) its fixed in 3.0.4.
also eric where are you. update freakin wordpress already
and this podcast is making me hungry. i think its time to make dinner.
or hear, as the case may be.
what better to do on a friday night?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! listen
yeaa were back
also eric apparently we need to upgrade wordpress again.
I just tried to eat one of those healthy choice microwave sandwiches but it was disgusting. Don’t buy those. Anyway. Candy.
the site is dead. commence mourning.
eric, we blame you.
we need to wipe the site. can you just upgrade, set wp to access a new database so we can start writing again?