It’s the fabulous 64-minute Ben and Vince Show!
Podcast 15: Product Placement
the first podcast of 2008
This Summer…
Time to Face Facts
This site is dead. I know, it sucks. it had such potential. Well, not really.
We kind of went in the wrong direction from our original idea of a site based entirely off of the traffic from people looking for creepy fetish pornography. Not that we get much of a direction with that base, but it also gives us the freedom to write about anything we want.
But somehow, even with an audience that expects nothing and no restrictions we managed to fuck this up. Here are the problems we have, as I see them:
- A Terrible Layout: Sorry Hysen, but this layout truly is awful. It dies going toward the right, it is ugly busy, and really just looks like one of the template site designs from Microsoft Front Page 2000. It makes me not want to visit the site. I do like the purple and white, however. It just wasn’t implemented well. This link gives a pretty straightforward tutorial for making a nice layout, but I’m not Photoshop savvy enough to get past step 6.
- No Recurring Authors: All of the writers who used to write now just, well, don’t. I don’t understand why people decided to hold themselves to deadlines and schedules. No one fucking cares that your article came out a day late. Just write. It’s entertaining when it comes. We aren’t thinking about it when it’s not there.
Ben, start writing again. I don’t care how often.
Eric, I expect your opinion of political conditions because we are in the middle of what could be the next big anal penetration for America. Also tell me who to vote for, and why other people are dumb.
Cole, this may only be for me and a select few, but tell me what is going on in the tech world.
Shaggy, i dunno man, just do what you do.
Stamm, quotes if you must, or write some original content. Superheroes? Ben is working on the talk show, so the topic is open for you.
Hyder, stocks.
Nick, you are our bbc.
Pawel, write about being lazy.
Vadis, I heard yo expressed interest in actually reviewing weird porn. Go for it
Also, if anyone wants to do anything else or not do anything at all, go ahead. This is for our own entertainment anyway. If the site stays dead, it’s a shame. We have too many good people.
Podcast 14: Ben and Vince Alive
You want the podcast? You can’t handle the podcast!
Podcast 10: I Keep Forgetting to Do This
now featuring ben
Quoth the Raven: Nevermore
Guys, I’m all out of quotes, except for the one that I used for the title (Edgar Allan Poe). Actually I’m just really lazy, umm if I get enough feedback from people who want me to continue this feature, then I might continue, otherwise sayonara (also my biggest idol just discontinued his feature and I don’t know how to go on doing my feature anymore, even though it required little if any effort at all). Also I’m too silly of a person to keep doing serious quotes, so maybe I’ll change the format and make the quotes funnier? But probably not. Instead of reading what people have said, my suggestion to you, the reader, is to go out and say things yourself, so that you won’t have to rely on others who are mostly dead for inspiration and you can find it in your own life wherefore it more directly applies to thou… I mean you. So I lied… here is my last quote:
– Michael Stamm
Guys, I’m all out of ideas. Who knows when I’ll be back on schedule. Until then, don’t expect too much.
i say we steal this site design
Quote of the Week: Yesterday
“If you don’t trust your abilities, nobody else will”
– Anonymous