“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will finally know peace”
– Jimi Hendrix
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will finally know peace”
– Jimi Hendrix
To celebrate my record-breaking 10th article last week, I will be releasing a series of Klassic Kolumns with never-before-seen writeage, behind-the-scenes info, and a modern take on the subject matter. Consider it director’s commentary, except you don’t have to buy the DVD to get it (however, there will be a Special Edition 2-Disc DVD on sale in the Obscure Adult Video Store with even more crap on it. We’re talking easter eggs, menus, the whole nine gigabytes.) Anyway, here is a second look at “First Look: the iTaco”:
TRUE FACT: This was my first article for ObscurePorn.com! It took some amount of time to write!
As part of its continuing quest to put lowercase i’s in front of everything, Apple has released the new iTaco. [Context: Apple had just released the iPhone. That would make this a parody.] I don’t normally write about technology (actually, so far 100% of the columns I have written have been about technology [get it? this was my first article]), but this is such an earth-shaking event that I am forced to report on it. The iTaco has been marketed as a revolutionary combination of great taste, great ingredients, Internet connectivity, multimedia play, and a shockingly intuitive interface. Does it live up to the hype? Don’t ask me- I didn’t waste my time waiting in line for 14 hours to get one! Uh, I mean, I am a highly qualified reviewer who definitely owns an iTaco. Several times. I actually created the iTaco. [you may be wondering why I choose to write about the iTaco as opposed to any other edible substance, or even something inedible, for that matter. The answer? I think the word “taco” is like the funniest word ever made!] Anyway, don’t consider this a review per se; instead, just take these opinions and use them as your own. [Full Disclosure: I actually don’t get this joke, despite writing it!]
Let’s take a quick look at the features of the iTaco. The iTaco breaks away from the usual constraints of tacos, featuring touch-shell technology, which allows users to operate it with one finger. No longer will an entire hand be occupied during the process of taco-eating. Apple’s revolutionary new technology suspends the iTaco in an anti-gravity field in front of the user’s mouth, and it can then be rotated with the wave of a finger. [Now, a few months after this article was originally written, scientists have actually come closer than ever to achieving an anti-gravity field. We may be looking at a Christmas 2008 release date for the iTaco!] This interface worked incredibly well for the most part; the only problem I found is that all of the contents of the iTaco fall out onto the table when it is rotated upside down (an embarrassingly common occurrence). [Were you wondering why there were so few jokes in this paragraph? So was I! My flimsy justification is that this was a more “subtle” kind of “humor.” So if you didn’t get it, well then you’re just not smart enough!]
The main function of the iTaco- to eat a taco- was at least adequate. Like almost all of Apple’s products (at least in my experience), the iTaco looked better than it tasted. (For the trivia-loving among you, the one product that didn’t follow this paradigm was the original iPod Shuffle- definitely not the second generation one.) [There will be a Trivial Pursuit: Obscure Porn edition on the shelves pretty soon, so this is actually a pretty valuable piece of information to know.] There’s not too much I can say about the taco part of the iTaco: I’ve eaten better tacos but I’ve certainly eaten worse Apple products.
The Internet browser on the iTaco worked pretty well; unfortunately, since the iTaco doesn’t have a screen, it instead employs a speaker that reads aloud the content of websites. I am especially impressed with the software that describes images you find as you browse the web. For example, the iTaco described this image as “um, it’s this kind of like, silver thing, in the shape of I think an apple? But somebody took a bite out of it, and the stem’s not really attached. I don’t know, that seems kind of weird. Is this thing on? He- hello? Where am I?” [If you’ve heard the Podcast, you know that this is actually how I talk. Seems kind of weird that a commercial product would sound just like me, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll let you in on a secret: I was part of the development team for the iTaco. Yes I know, conflict of interest and all that, but it was worth it for the swag.]
The one other feature of the iTaco that I want to highlight is the presence of built-in applications such as Google Maps, which shows the locations of iTaco stores near you in case you want to buy another one; YouTube, to which the iTaco is continuously posting videos of you using it; and Stocks, which shows Apple’s stock plummeting (well, that was my experience, anyway). [Little known fact: I actually did research to find out what applications came with the iPhone in order to write this paragraph! There were a lot that didn’t get spoofed here. Here are some of the deleted jokes: “…built-in applications such as Weather, which allows the user to control the weather around them using a patent-pending technology from Apple; Clock, which tells the time but does it SO AWESOMELY; and Calculator, to see how much of your net worth you wasted on the iTaco.” Hm. Perhaps there was a reason these were deleted.]
Some of the lesser known features of the iTaco are its uses as a personal space vehicle and teleportation device. Some users have also reported the manifestation of god-like powers gained through purchase of the $750 special edition iTaco. [Apparently, this price estimate was a tad on the low side. The special edition iTaco actually requires you to go through a seven-year period of indentured servitude in one of the colonies.]
Usability: B-
Look and Feel: 92%
Size: Excellent
Price: 4 stars
Goodness: 4.6
Likes: Long walks on the beach
Overall: So how do you make an [pay attention] eye talk? Oh [stop paying attention. Did you get it? This was an extremely obscure joke. If you didn’t get it the first time, I wouldn’t be surprised. If you still don’t get it, read those three words out loud. Then think about the title of the article. No, not “Klassic Kolumns #01,” the original title. What sounds the same? It’s tough I know. This was kind of a long way to go just for a ridiculous pun.], I see. You have to blink in Morse Co- oh whoops, that was for my other column at howtomakebodypartstalk.com [I considered registering this domain, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. But I don’t know, would you guys like to read articles on this topic? If there’s a sizable audience out there, I wouldn’t be against writing a few things for a site like that.]. Where was I? Oh yeah, summing up. In conclusion, the iTaco really sucks and you should consider buying the iPhone instead. [Comedy Tip: this is a technique called “invalidating the concept of your entire article.” Use it sparingly.]
The iTaco comes in your choice of beef, chicken, or vegetarian, and costs $500 for one taco ($600 if you want toppings). Each one you eat costs you an additional $500.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
– Buddha
AP- Reports of shocking neighbor-against-neighbor violence have recently surfaced in a small 16×30 grid on your computer monitor. Under the euphemism “sweeping mines,” savage gangs of numbers have been assaulting, maiming, and in a few cases even killing those squares marked as mines. It seems that once a certain square has been “flagged,” it is set upon by the extremely violent numbers surrounding it.
“That flag means it’s undesirable,” said a 2 earlier today. “Once the cursor marks him and leaves, we can do whatever we need to do to deal with the situation.” Apparently, this includes murdering in cold blood.
Defending themselves against accusations of brutality and murder, a group of numbers spoke out today. “Those mines are threatening our families! If we don’t uncover them and take care of them, they could destroy our entire way of life. The world as we know it could come to an end if those mines are left unchecked. Have you ever seen an 8? They’re terrified! It’s not fair to ask an innocent number to live under these conditions.”
Another complaint voiced by the numbers was that the mines almost always live under cover, undetected by the surrounding community. “When I think that my little 1’s are living right next to these horrible creatures without even knowing it, well, it- it keeps me up at night!” said a 5. “What responsible parent wouldn’t feel this way?”
The mines themselves take a different view. “Look, we can’t help it!” said one, speaking under the condition of anonymity. “We were born this way! It’s not our fault if we’re different from you! How can you possibly justify such inhuman actions?” How indeed? “I hate to say it, but inhuman actions are justified against things that aren’t human,” said a 4. “Those mines are basically subhuman. The only way I would tolerate their existence is if they were placed in special camps where we wouldn’t have to come into contact with them.”
When reached for comment, the cursor professed ignorance of the situation. “I did not know this was going on. But, I mean, even if I did, what could I do to stop it? I’m just one cursor… I don’t have the resources necessary to do anything about it. Plus, it’s not really that big a deal, right?”
What about the cases where a square has been mistakenly identified as a mine? “Horrible as it sounds, and while it is regrettable, certain sacrifices need to be made for the sake of safety, “ said a spokesnumber for Numbers Against Mines, a prominent number-advocacy group. “Actually, I wouldn’t be against a law that would allow the government to look at each square’s personal information to find out if they’re a mine,” he continued.
And what of the rare “question mark” cases, where a square is labeled with a question mark? “Well, we won’t kill him, but we might rough him up or take his money,” said a gang leader. “Can’t be too careful.”
Will this conflict ever come to a peaceful resolution? Only time will tell. Right now time seems to be telling that this will not end peacefully. There is even the possibility of uprisings. “Us mines, we’re basically afraid for our lives right now. But if enough of us get angry enough, who knows what might happen. We might just decide to overpower our oppressors and take back what is ours! Dammit, the time is now! Chaaaaaaaaaarge!”
Further bulletins as events warrant. Well, I guess events do warrant some further bulletins right now. But I don’t care, I’m not staying embedded in this warzone! I might get like beheaded or something! Get your news somewhere else, please.
Here‘s a new podcast. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
why the hell haven’t we added some sort of banner ads to our site? doesn’t have to be adsense
“We do not inherit the world from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
– Native American proverb
To Whom It May Concern:
I was going to finish up the article I had started last week and post it today, but then I realized that you guys deserve better than some half-assed parody of what it feels like to play the oboe, or a list of uses for a thimble full of hair. Even if it was fully-assed, I don’t think that would’ve cut it, at least not this late in the game. And it’s pretty late in the game. The final buzzer sounded a week ago, and my team didn’t even show up. It was still a pretty close game though actually, I mean the other team had to sit out most of the game after getting a “Warning: Schemes.” Anyway I’m getting off track. What I wanted to say was: I’m sorry.
I know you guys have it tough. It’s hard being a reader. You’re out there every day, moving your eyeballs all over the place, without getting anything in return. All you ask is a paltry 1000 words a week to get you through your divorce. Wait, couldn’t I just post a picture every week then? But no, that was outlawed under the Geneva Pornventions of 19X7. Anyway, most of the time, your needs have been satisfied. But last week, tragedy struck. Thousands of you (1 you = 1/1000 people) logged on to the site, expecting something that would at least conjure up a smile. Instead, what did you find? Don’t try to guess. It’s a trick question. You didn’t find anything. You found the absence of something. Desperately, you clicked refresh, until it became clear that there would be no update. And that’s when it hit you. The brick that I had suspended over all of your heads, I mean. (I thought I could concuss you into forgetting that I hadn’t updated, but I should’ve realized that amnesia only works if you believe in it, and clearly you guys all don’t.)
I’m sure you’re all now wondering “so what the hell were you doing instead of updating?” Well, I’ll tell you: fighting for my life against a swarm of heavily made-up journalists. That’s right, I almost fell victim to the dreaded International Columnist Clownspiracy. It seems they had gotten wind of my humorous articles here on the last bastion of the free press, ObscurePorn.com, and felt threatened by them. They came crashing through my window in the middle of the night and nearly killed me. Actually, I’m surprised no one else in the building woke up, since they actually brought a herd of elephants with them. But it was just me against a gang of maniacal notepad-wielding clowns. How did I escape? Well, that’s a story for another time. And that time is now. Thinking quickly, I seized the closest implement at hand: a tissue. Discarding this as completely useless, I then picked up the second closest implement: a machine gun. Let’s just say that after I got done with them, you could nominate these clowns for sainthood, cause they were really hole-y! Ha! I actually made that wisecrack right after I had mercilessly gunned them down.
But that wasn’t all! My troubles weren’t over that night! Just as I was about to hit the “publish” button on ObscurePorn.com, releasing my article to the world, I fell off a cliff. Sounds like certain doom, doesn’t it? Fortunately for me (and for you (but mostly for me)), I am an expert in cliff-diving. I activated my telepathic connection with my pet panda-bird, who swooped in and caught me before I splattered all over the landscape. We were well on our way back to civilization when we were attacked by pterodactyls! These guys were vicious! They forced us down onto a remote plateau, and I thought it was over for sure. But then it turned out that those ‘dactyls just wanted to sell me insurance. I argued with them for a while, assuring them that I didn’t need to be covered in the event of a dislocated hat, but then I realized that time was running out and if I wanted to get home in time to post, I had better just buy some insurance. They finally left and I decided to take the teleporter home. Unfortunately, it was malfunctioning, and I got deposited among the Aleut people in the Arctic. Well, you can imagine how long it would take to get back from there! What happened was-
Oh all right you caught me! The Aleuts only live in the Aleutian Islands; I really meant to say Inuit! I can’t believe I made such a stupid mistake in my story. Everything else was airtight! Yes, I tried to lie my way out of an apology. Now I just look even more foolish. Well all right, I’m sorry for not updating, and I’m sorry for lying, and I’m just a terrible person all around. Can you ever forgive me? I forgave you that one time! And actually, you know what, I’m a little sick of the sanctimonious attitude you always have! Everything’s always my fault. Why can’t you ever take responsibility for anything? No, you listen! I just… I can’t see this relationship working out unless we’re equal partners. Writer and reader, it’s a symbiotic connection- well actually I guess it’s more parasitic. Seriously I’ve had it with you. Look, you’ve even managed to turn my apology into an argument.
All right everybody, due to recent (as in, the last paragraph) events, I have made a momentous decision. Ahem. Can I have your attention please. Effective immediately, I hereby resign from ObscurePorn.com, in order to spend more time with my family.
No, don’t cry, it’s not that bad, we’ll always have the memories. Well, I won’t, since I’m about to go experimental memory-removing surgery, but you will. Wait, are those- are those tears of joy? Oh, screw you! That’s it, everybody, please listen up again, I hereby announce my comeback from retirement, and will resume my weekly schedule on ObscurePorn.com.
Well, almost weekly.
So I’ve realized some teachers actually give a shit about whether or not you are fucking around on your laptop in class. To catch people who are off task, the TAs/minions will lazily walk around the room, looking at peoples monitors. I am here to show you a few way to easily avoid being caught, while maintaining the ability to do whatever you want.
If you are a Mac user, you can download Nocturne, a cool program that will make the rest of this guide simple.
Preparatory steps:
– Sit away from an aisle, or the direct back of the class if the TAs walk around there.
– Turn your sound off.
Step 1. Turn down your screen brightness. Seems obvious. It will make it much harder for someone not directly in front of the computer to see what is happening on the screen. Nocturne can be set to automatically lower the screen brightness whenever it is used.
Step 2. Stay away from color. Color is what gives you away, and what people
look for when they focus on something. Not having a colorful screen will leave the TA without enough reason to call you out. Nocturne will automatically monochrome and invert the color on your display.
Step 3. Don’t watch movies. Peripheral vision is best suited for catching motion, so it will grab the attention of anyone scanning the room. Plus, movies need sound, and having your speakers or headphones is suspicious.