ben’s coment pretty much writes itself for this one
Electile Dysfunction
So, I don’t generally like to talk about politics a lot, mostly because it’s boring, or something. I forgot why I don’t like to talk about it. But I remember that I’m against talking about it. And those are my views.
BUT, with all this nonsense going on in the news these days with elections and nominations and primaries and presumptions and delegates and superdelegates and bizzaro delegates, even I find myself getting swept up in all this political election mumbo jumbo. So, I thought I’d offer my review of the presidential candidates now that we can safely presume who its gonna be.
Barack Obama
A lot of people seem to think Barack Obama is like the candidate of the future or something. People be acting like hes the next Abraham Lincoln and getting all ready to carve his face in a mountain or put his dick on a dollar bill. But really, are all these things people say true? What a well worded article. I hope she can continue to do things in the future. Let’s break it down.
- He’s a force for change. This seems to be the main attraction of this particular candidate. But really, how much will he really be able to really change, really? He claims to have what it takes to bring change in the form of reforming health care, ending the war, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and other crap like that. But what else can he change? Can he change a tire? Can he change his own habits of putting prepositions at the end of slogans? “Change we can believe in”? How about “Change in which we can believe”? HUH? HOW ABOUT THAT
- He can unify the country. What are you, retarded? We’ve been unified since like 1776 or thereabouts. That’s why it’s called the United States of America. We even had a whole war about it. And guess what. We won. Because this is America, and that’s what we do. We win. Besides, what else can he unify? Can he unify a tire? Can he unify some freakin grammar up in here?? Now that would be a change in which I could believe.
- He’s good at giving speeches. Well, I can go for this one. He’s pretty good at giving speeches. I like the way he takes off his jacket sometimes when hes giving a speech and rolls up his sleeves. That’s how you know he’s working hard, or identifying with the people, or something. I also like how he visits a lot of places to speak. Today he was in Virginia, and a lot of people I know saw him in Massachusetts. I bet he’ll also go to Maryland, and North Carolina, and California, and Iowa, and Louisiana, and South Carolina, and South Dakota, and Oregon, and North Carolina, and Virginia, all the way to the White House!!! BYAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
John McCain
A lot of people seem to think John McCain is a Republican. As such, he has the advantage of having an IQ above 70, unlike George W. Bush, and of not being batshit crazy, unlike Mitt Romney. However, Fez Whatley was definitely right about one thing: John McCain is a real-life Droopy Dog (edit: wait, maybe that was Joe Lieberman. Whatever, these guys all look alike). Seriously, check it out:
McCain is the one on the left. How about that, UN CANNY. He freakin sounds like him too. Maybe not, but he still sounds ridiculous. AND, he’s from Arizona. Hey, McCain. Try getting a real football team. This isn’t the year of destiny, I don’t care if you do have Matt Leinart instead of Kurt Fumbletown Warner or Josh Tears Of McCown. If you want you can bring the Cardinals back to the NFC East so that the Redskins can roll all over them twice a year.
ANYway. Let’s check out the issues, or whatever.
- He’s Tough on Terror. Oh yeah? Where’s his track record of tracking down terrorists, then? If he’s so tough on terror, why haven’t we caught Osama Bin Laden or Barack Obama? I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty terrified right now. Or maybe I’m just terrific. One of those. Anyway. Let’s not let the terrorists win, we must win the war on Dangerous Elevators.
- He’s Ill on Illegal Immigration. Shoot, that doesn’t sound right. Maybe it was supposed to be that he’s tough on illegal immigration. Boy, this guy is tough on a lot of things, isn’t he? He’s a real tough guy, apparently. But there are too many unanswered questions. Is he tough on tires, for instance? The truth is out there, but we may never know.
So, those are your choices. They may be crappy candidates, but they’re our crappy candidates. And that’s what really matters. That and the fact that neither of them are Hillary Clinton (burrrrrn). But um yeah actually maybe they’re not so bad at all. Either way, y’all gotta pick someone, so here’s my two cents. Go buy yourself .005 gallons of gas.
Podcast 22: Stormy Weather
after a Powerful May, the Ben and Vince show is back!
Soopreem Kourt Punz
Carl Justin and Jimmy Justice have been appointed the newest members of the Supreme Court. They really hate each other and they get in a big argument about which one of them is the fairer judge. It turns into a contest decided by the other members of the Supreme Court, and the eventual result is a tie. Carl is dejected so he goes to the Renaissance Faire, one of his favorite things to do. They have an event set up where you can joust a cardboard cutout of a jester that you can move up and down on the horse (to get it at the correct height where you can hit it). Carl does it and barely manages to knock the jester down. The media gets ahold of this whole story, and on the evening news that day, one of the anchors says:
This just in: Justice Justin is just as just as Justice Justice, and is just able to joust the adjustable jester.
So I’ve been on codeine for a couple days now. For those of you not in the know, it’s Project Pat’s drug of choice and one of the key ingredients in Sizurp, also known as “Purple Drank.”
A review will be forthcoming. Suffice it to say that the works of Paul Wall, especially his chopped and screwed remixes, make a lot more sense now.
El Etnografo
i hope yall know spanish cuz theres no subtitles
Category: Music
Music is pretty important i guess. We gots some music related content. But i noticed theres no category for it. So, now there is.
Also: Eric can you update us to 2.5.1 so we dont get a virus
Summer Project
First: Watch this video
Next, think: Wouldn’t this video be much better if it was remade with the fake translation as the actual lyrics? And who would make a great Benny Lava… would not Mihir?
Now that you agree to be involved, we need to start casting.
Benny “Ed” Lava – Mihir Narain
Belinda –
His Brother –
Nuns –
A High School Girl –
A puppy –
Oliver –
An Armored Pundit –
A Yellow Goat –
A Nerd –
Uncool Boar –
Hindi Yew –
A Barber –
A Crazy Hindu –
A Ninja –
Donna –
10+ Male Extras
10+ Female Extras
Ben, get the wheels turning.
Podcast 21.5: Special Edition
April 28th is today. woo!
We actually have ads now
Except for some reason Google will only display public service ads, which don’t make us money, on the main page, so you have to go to the individual post pages to see the real ads. I can’t tell you to click on them, since that violates Google’s policies, but making money would be nice…